Buildings are reaching new heights and arenas are getting bigger as new tech is coming along. Making sure the base structure of buildings and skyscrapers is strong, is the key of successfully constructing them. This is not an easy task and thus it needs expert supervision which can only be obtained from people who have worked on erecting such formwork before. Sweden is a country that is rapidly growing in terms of commercial as well as social life. Thus, the need for bigger houses and business centres is apparent for a country improving on all bounds.
Bygging-Uddemann is a construction company based in Sweden who have completed many projects spread all around the world. Having experience of many decades, by making optimum use of the technology available they find solutions to getting heavy formwork transportation done in a swift manners. One of the main thing that should be considered when building large projects is that it should run smoothly like a well-oiled machines both on a human as well as practical level. Thus to create such a system that works well, requires time and research. Bygging-Uddemann have worked on the slipforming technique for many decades and have made it better by using the newer technology.
The technique is built in such a way that the flow of concrete to create structures without any interruption and at a pace where the project is ready before the deadline. Designing the engineering method of heavy formwork transportation keeping in mind the economic and other factors from the client’s side is also vital when working on big projects. Thus, with the help of this technology the major cost comes through the concrete structure construction which is required for the formwork. This becomes an advantage as through the use of this technique once the formwork is erected, it stays like that until the construction is completed.
This technique has been used ever since the early 20th century for building the grain elevators and silos, at Bygging-Uddemann with the help of technology and years of experience they have made the necessary changes and mastered the technique. For a structure that relies on quick setting properties of the concrete the vertical slipform technique is surely very useful in building high rise concrete constructions like sky scrapers.
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