Components of Steel Tank Repair and Maintenance

Corrosion is the largest single cause of plant and equipment breakdown in the process industries. (Corrosion / selection of materials) 

A steel tank is one of the crucial equipment that is used to store materials of various kinds. Since steel tanks may stand for long periods, it happens that they get eroded. There are many reasons for this erosion but companies need to be sure that tanks are maintained in good shape.

One of the reasons that tanks get eroded is because of the time it is built. Another being, the storage of different kinds of liquids and the lack of maintenance. All of this can be easily solved if tanks are maintained well in time. Some of the crucial factors to consider while repairing a steel tank include.  

Move or add fittings

A steel tank used on construction sites consists of multiple openings, taps, and bolts. In such cases, making sure all the fittings are intact is crucial to keep the materials stored inside the tank safely. This step also involves moving fittings already existing in the tank if required at some point in time. Taking this precaution ensures the tank is in shape and functions well. 

Replace internal parts

The process of steel tank construction involves joining various parts together that in the end form to be crucial components of the tank. If the tank is used continuously without any kind of maintenance, the internal parts are bound to erode and the tank will stop working. To avoid such scenarios from happening, companies should keep a check on the condition of the internal parts and replace them at periodic intervals.  

Detect leaks 

Construction sites make use of water and other such liquids that are stored in steel tanks. Due to the moisture collecting on the walls of the tank, the steel starts to erode, making it thinner. The thinner the layer of the steel, the more it leaks. This is not even safe when it comes to gases and hazardous liquids since the use of fire is also prominent on the sites. Hence detecting tank leaks irrespective of the materials stored in it is important.  

Install new manways 

Steel tanks used while building a structure are usually huge in size. Hence it has multiple paths i.e manways to go in and out of the tank. One of the best precautionary measures to take while steel tank repair is to open more than one manways just to be safe. Because if one manway gets stuck due to unavoidable reasons, there will always be other options. 

Looking at the various options available, using one of the alternatives will ensure that steel tanks are maintained and repaired, hence increasing their durability. 

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